
Reba is one of the best editors I have worked with. Her work is thorough, reliable and efficient. She is always a pleasure to work with. I would recommend her to even the pickiest of authors.

– Lora Gallagher, Production Manager Outskirts Press

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It’s clear why writers should use an editor if they’re planning to self-publish a book. If they don’t have their manuscripts edited, their work will be published as is—typos and all. Writers who plan to self-publish can either hire an independent editor, purchase the...

Seven Bar Jokes Involving Grammar and Punctuation

Thanks to Eric K. Auld... 1. A comma splice walks into a bar, it has a drink and then leaves. 2. A dangling modifier walks into a bar. After finishing a drink, the bartender asks it to leave. 3. A question mark walks into a bar? 4. Two quotation marks “walk into” a...

Dialogue Tags

One of the joys of reading short stories or novels is being transported into a different life, a different country, a different perspective. But when an author inadvertently makes his or her presence suddenly known, it’s jolting for the reader to be jerked back into...

The Realities Of Freelancing: Is It The “Free” Or The “Lance”?

Many people go into freelance work with wide-eyed optimism. Freelancing. Emphasis on the free. They imagine the freedom of setting their own hours, grabbing the laptop and jaunting off to work in a trendy coffee shop, being their own boss, enjoying more leisure time,...


Making time to write is hard when you're a stay-home parent. My own kids are teenagers—busy, busy teenagers with jobs and social lives and cell phones and their own agendas. If I wanted to work on a novel, they’d probably be thrilled to have me out of their hair. But...


One of the most common errors I see in manuscripts is comma splicing (also called run-on sentences)—a grammatical no-no. Comma splicing is the use of a comma to join two independent, complete sentences that can stand on their own. (I wrote a sentence, I used a comma...

Send a sample of your work (5-10 pages or the first chapter) with an estimated word count of the manuscript overall, and I will give you a firm quote, depending on the level of editing required. You may choose between a final proofreading or a more detailed, extensive edit. If you have questions please use my contact form.

At the onset of the project, you will receive an estimated completion date. Meeting deadlines is a crucial part of the freelancer’s arsenal of excellence, and I take my deadlines seriously.

Whether you’re looking for a quick proof or a more extensive edit, you and your work will be treated with respect. The work will retain your original voice and style, and you will receive honest and helpful suggestions and comments.

It’s important that both author and editor see eye to eye – after all, this is your baby, and you’re entrusting it to a complete stranger. Feel free to send a few pages (about 1,000 words) for a free sample edit. You’ll be able to check compatibility, and you’ll get a more accurate quote on the entire project. Click here to receive a free sample and price quote.

Your work remains 100% confidential. So do your name and address. Guaranteed.

With the Microsoft Word tracking function, you can see each and every correction, giving you the power to accept or reject each change. It also saves you the trouble of manually correcting your own file copy. Comment boxes throughout offer more detailed explanations or suggestions, and at the completion of each project, I submit a separate document with notes and overall comments.

Copyright © Reba Hilbert